Monday, 20 January 2025

Misty morning

One day, I was walking into work and this magical moment happened. I thought that I wouldn't be able to capture it as I have a very old camera but surprisingly I did!

Friday, 17 January 2025

Lisa Jewell - Invisible Girl

 Hi all!

For our college homework, we were tasked to read a book any of our choice from either ESOL library or the main college library. I knew the main library had very easy books in their library so I chose something from the ESOL library on our level of the building instead. There were so many options which I liked and it was hard to choose any particular one. But this one - Invisible Girl - caught my eye with its intruding cover and the annotation at the back.

Title: Invisible girl
Author: Lisa Jewell
Language I read it in: English

The book has interesting story line. However, the the topic is very difficult read and I had had a problem with it. In the book is about sexual abuse, harassments and rape

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

[PocketMod] Cat notes

 Hi all!

During the weekend I created a cat version of notes for PocketMod. I would like to share it with you. Feel free to use it. :)


Template to download

Saturday, 11 January 2025

An ogre miniature

 Hi all!

This week I was painting an ogre miniature for my partner's DnD play. :) Unfortunately, the character hadn't been primed so It took forever to paint it as the paint didn't want to catch on the plastic.

But it's been done!

Thursday, 9 January 2025


Last summer, I came across a small notebook designed for drawing or painting, inspired by the idea of compact travel sketchbooks. This week, I stumbled upon a YouTube video featuring a similar concept, called a PocketMod.

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Winter morning


Sunny winter morning in my city

It's quite rare to have snow/frozen ground in my city. We have usually rain over winter months.

Friday, 3 January 2025

The path somewhere and nowhere


Credit: Otevři svou mysl club

On a snowy path, I pause and I stare, 
Feelings of lost I feel deep. 
When I finally open my eyes fully
I can only see miracle infront of me!

A big moon is smiling at me, borrowing me his brightness on my path to somewhere and nowhere at one moment.
Is that a sign that something better is coming?
Or is the moon just laughing at me on my clumsiness? 


Prompt from the club here

Painted miniature: Warhammer 40000 Tyranids Norn Emissary

 Hi all!

So on a journey of a painter, I started a new hobby - painting miniatures. My partner has been playing DnD and bought a tone of miniatures. He doesn't like to paint them, so I have been tasked to here and there paint some. :) Couple days ago I finished this monster - Norm Emissary. It took me 2 weeks to finish it including the varnish as the waiting time took me the longest. There were some issues regarding colours which I picked - they were too bright, at the end I decided to tone it down with purple tones so it's mix of red/purple/brown and green. 

Warhammer 40000 Tyranids Norn Emissary

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Rushing to prevent catastrophe

Pixabay:  Matthias Böckel     A while ago I was returning home from the crochet club at night time. I wasn’t particularly rushing home, It w...

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